Please press the light blue “donation here” button to proceed to the donation input screen.

Donation for Worship

Donation for Facility Maintenance

Donation for thanksgiving
Instructions on how to enter credit card donations

- When you press the “Donate here” button, the following credit card payment screen will be displayed. Please enter each item. The credit cards that can be used are Visa, Master, JCB, and Amex .
- Donation amount: Please enter a donation amount at 100 yen or above.
- Name: Please enter your name as it appears on your credit card.
- E-mail address: Please enter your own e-mail address. After payment is completed, a confirmation email will be sent to that email address.
- Credit/Debit Card : Please enter the 12-digit number of your credit card.
- Card Expiration Date: Please enter the expiration date of your credit card in the order of month/year.
- (Example) If the expiration date is October 2024: Enter 10/24.
- CVC Number: Enter the 3-digit number on the back of your credit card.
- When you have finished entering the above, please press the blue button. Your payment is now complete.